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AABU GTUG Opening Event

On February 17, 2011 We’ve headed to Al Al Bayt University, to run one of the biggest event established there, for opening the AABU GTUG (Google’s Technologies Users Group).
The event focused on introducing the GTUGS (Google’s Technologies Users Groups) and introducing Google’s technologies to students, such as Android and App Engine, to Chrome Extensions and HTML5 demos.
Attendees exceeded 250 attendee, in addition to Vice president of Al Al Bayt University Dr. Hashem Al Masaeed, Deanship of College of I.T at Al Al Bayt University Prof. Ismail Ababneh, and a quite number of professors and teachers at the college of I.T at AABU, in addition to Yarmuk fm and Al Ro’aya  tv.
AABU GTUG as a Google’s Technologies Users Group interested in Google’s technologies and tries as possible to increase students awareness about Google’s technologies, and introduce it to them.
Their was a lot of activities during the event, beginning with the key note from me Anas Jaghoub, that included introducing the AABU GTUG, and assuring for cooperate working with professors and students to increase the awareness of students about emergent technologies. On the other hand, we’ve announced to our first initiatives to students which is “Made in AABU”. Finally, read the schedule of our event and introducing the officers to students who are “Ahmad Hamad, Inas Shoman, Mohammad Jaradat, Mohammad Mashagbe, and Salam Al Sarayreh”.
Prof. Ismail Ababneh, participated in showing the support and help provided from college of I.T at AABU to the GTUG chapter, and motivating the students to participate and join our chapter.  Followed him Vice president of AABU Dr. Hashem Al Masaeed, and talked about technologies in general and its impression in our life, and mentioned number of Google’s technologies and its impression in our life, such as Google’s Earth, and Google’s Docs in addition to the biggest search engine in the world Google’s Search engine.
Eng. Mohammad Olaimat from his side introduced the Google web toolkit GWT to students and illustrated its architecture and approach in developing websites, and the main features in it.
Later on, our officers Mohammad Jaradat and Salam Al Sarayrah made a demo on HTML5, and introduced the main features in it. After that I (Anas) presented a short paragraph about App Engine, and its main features, and how to run “Hello World” application inside it.
From another side, Ahmad Hamad, Inas Shoman, and Mohammad Mashagbe presented a session to introduce Android and its main features and demos on it. Latest session presented by me (Anas) and was about Chrome Extensions, introducing it, and building a simple extension inside Chrome browser.
Finally, We’ve finished the session and thanked the attendees for their participation, and shared photos with each other.
P.S Here are some of the photos taken inside the event.
Anas Jaghoub,
Manager of AABU GTUG


  1. really it was great event :)
    but, the coming events gonna be more successful :D
    by the willing of allah!

  2. Thanks a lot Inas for your so kind words,
    really it was so great event, and that refers for your great efforts and preparations as officers.
    Best wishes to you and all officers, and wish you all success.
    Anas Jaghoub

  3. (( To all members who participated in the Conference Opening Event TimeTable - AABU GTUG ))

    I want this letter to express my deep thanks and gratitude to you
    All members and Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology on the sustained interest in the awareness of university students.
    Thank you my brothers to the continuing effort to instill aspirit of perseverance in our souls We are students of computer science.
    This is our pride.......
    The conference was frankly very cool,
    It has surprised me the number of attendees,
    This is proof enough the importance of what you give....
    Thank you once again.....
    We wish more........
    Your sister,,,,,

  4. Thanks a lot Heba for your so kind words :) wish you all the success and best in your life.

    Thanks for your interesting in Google's technologies, and hope you get benefits from our UG.

    Anas Jaghoub


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