PHP and MySql db
What is a database?
•Database is a collection of related tables.
•Each database contains from one or more tables.
•Each table consists of columns and rows.
•Columns are properties of the table.
•Rows are records of the table.
•Each table is identified by a name.
What is MySql?
•MySql is a database.
•MySql is the most popular OPEN-SOURCE database system.
•Why PHP and MySql?
•When we talk about PHP and MySql, actually we are talking about great innovations and useful tools help you in your web applications.
•Both are OPEN-SOURCE.
•When you deal with MySql in your PHP application, you give your application more features, such as full dynamic editing, ability to manage, add, update, delete, and more.
•Save important information, and access it at any time.
Example on db table:
•A table called employee might look like this:
Basic Data Types In MySql:
•Each column in a table should has a type, that specifies the type of contents inside it.
•Type determines the storage space for each data, of course data representation for char differs from integer differs from floats differs from strings differs from texts.
•At our PHP tutorial, am going to demonstrate data types that we’ll use most often in our applications, and you can refer for complete reference for all data types supported in MySql db at their official site:
•int: integer, used when dealing with integer values.
•float: float, used when dealing with float values.
•double: used when dealing with double values.
•bool: used when dealing with zero-one decisions.
•varchar: used for single character and array of characters.
•text: used for text.
•longtext: used for long texts.
•date: used for date records, it’s format: yyyy-mm-dd.
•time: used for time records, it’s format: hh:mm:ss
To download this lesson click here: PHP Tutorial–Lesson 4: Introduction to PHP- Part I
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