Anas Jaghoub: تعلم تطوير تطبيقات للموبايل باستخدام الأندرويد: مرحبا أصدقائي يسعدني أن أبدأ معكم سلسلة حلقات في تعلم تطوير تطبيقات للموبايل باستخدام الأندرويد ، وسأسعى جاهدا معكم في أن تكون هذه السلس...
In this lesson I’m going to illustrate the system definition and requirements for the Guest Book application. It is an important step in developing any application, since this step gives us an orientation about the system and its functionality, what is expected from the system to do. actually the system definition comes from keywords from customers and end users, usually try to make it clear for what they need in the application, and what they expect the system to do. As developers it is our role to define the requirements for the system to be developed. In our example the system definition for the Guest Book is: A system that allows visitors of the site to post their comments and feedbacks about the site, with the possibility for managing comments and maintain it easily and user friendly. On the other hand, the system requirements are: a web server, since it is clear that the developed system is going to run on the Internet, so it is a web-based application not windows-bas...
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